Lasting Legacy No Colour Bar: Black British Art in Action 1960-1990
As one of the legacies, of the ground-breaking exhibition and touring programme, launched online in June 2018, eighteen months after the final showing, the No Colour Bar legacy book contains artist profiles and reproductions of some of the key artworks, documenting its narratives and responses. With thought pieces by co-curators, Katherine Pearce, Makeda Coaston and Michael McMillan, the publication also has further important contributions from respected cultural leaders and writers, including Eddie Chambers, Hamja Ashan, Margaret Andrews, Margaret Busby and Colin Prescod.
"The book is not just about art — it tells a political story of struggles against racism waged by activist artists. No Colour Bar: Black British Art in Action 1960-1990 is a weighty tome that would look good on any coffee table and possesses both style and content." The Institute of Race Relations.
How to buy
To place an order for copies, please send an email to nocolourbar@fhalma.org
Individual price: £19.99 + pp £3.00 Delivery: 2-3 weeks (UK)
Orders: Email: nocolourbar@fhalma.org